Thursday, February 20, 2014

PMS, Premenopause, or just a worry-wart?

So it may have been foolish to think that the month after my D&C I would get pregnant, but I would be lying to everyone if I did not admit that those were my hopes. Every woman has PMS symptoms. For me, I have only experienced pregnancy once. That was right before Randy's second surgery, and I was so thoroughly convinced that I was experiencing really really really bad PMS that I overlooked the idea until I was nine days late. My breasts were so sore. As if they went jogging on their own half marathon sore. I said several times that I could not wait till I my period to finally start.

This month I had the same symptoms, sore, tender, vulnerable, helpless, breasts. Which is also a perimenopause symptom to throw a fly in the ointment. Pregnancy, PMS, and Menopause all have the same effect on women. Feeling crappy. How is a woman to know which she is experiencing. This is why we have turned into a bunch of hypochondriacs looking up every symptom on sites like WebMD. Every generation has new names for menstruation, "aunt Flow", "surfing the crimson wave", "Shark week" (a name a young friend of mine introduced me to), "riding the cotton pony", "Dexter is in town" (after the Showtime Series). I will just hope for the best. If I am starting menopause, there is nothing I can really do about it anyway. Maybe I will just search on Google tonight; just in case.

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